ACTEM Conference in Augusta, Maine, October 16 & 17, 2008

16 October 2008

While talking with some educators, I suggested that the appearance of an assignment is almost as important as the content. They corrected me; they said, "The appearance IS as important as the content." That is where a real hole exists in today's learning environment. Great Software Tools has the technology to add this important dimension to the classroom.

If you consider that 100 years ago, penmanship was very important and teachers labored with students to ensure handwriting was neat and attractive. One sign of a well-educated person was good penmanship. With all that needs to be taught in the 21st Century, about developments in science, changing world cultures, advances in math and technology, less time is focused in the classroom on the appearance of students' work.

Teachers tell me that they don't even grade a poster, for instance, on its appearance, but only on its content, because students that don't have good artistic skills are at a disadvantage. Those days are over. With Graphics-Toolbox, every student can apply the skills that they learn in art class to all of their core subjects, making final projects they can be proud of and truly preparing them for the quality of work required in the outside world.